20 Free Commercial Fonts for Your Design

 20 Free Commercial Fonts for Your Design

Are you looking for some free commercial fonts to spice up your design project? Whether you need a catchy headline, a stunning logo, or a professional presentation, choosing the right font can make a big difference. However, finding high-quality fonts that are free for commercial use can be a challenge. You don’t want to use fonts that are outdated, overused, or infringe on someone else’s rights.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 20 free commercial fonts that you can use for any personal or commercial project. These fonts are modern, stylish, and versatile. They cover a range of categories, such as serif, sans serif, script, display, and more.

Here are the 20 free commercial fonts we recommend

Serif Fonts

Serif fonts, which feature small strokes or extensions at the end of the letters, are commonly utilized in print media, including books, magazines, and newspapers, to impart an air of elegance, tradition, and authority. There are numerous free commercial fonts of Serif available for such purposes.

Some of the free serif fonts we like are

– Playfair Display: A classic and elegant font with high contrast and sharp serifs. It works well for headlines, titles, and logos.

Playfair Display
Playfair Display

– Cormorant: A refined and sophisticated font family with six styles and optical sizes. It is inspired by the Garamond typeface and has a distinctive flair.


– Merriweather: A warm and friendly font with low contrast and large x-height. It is designed to be readable on screens and print.


– Bitter: A contemporary and versatile font with a slight slab serif. It has a balanced and harmonious look that is suitable for both text and display.


– Crimson Text: A beautiful and elegant font with a classic and old-style feel. It is ideal for long-form text, such as books, essays, and articles.

Crimson Text
Crimson Text

Sans Serif Fonts

Sans serif fonts, which lack strokes or extensions at the end of letters, are frequently employed in web design, digital media, and contemporary branding. They offer a sense of simplicity, clarity, and modernity, making them popular choices among free commercial fonts.

Some of the free sans serif fonts we like are

– Montserrat: A clean and geometric font with a friendly and professional vibe. It is inspired by the signage and posters of Montserrat, a neighborhood in Buenos Aires.


– Roboto: A sleek and minimalist font with a mechanical and humanistic feel. It is the default font for Android and Google products.


– Open Sans: A crisp and neutral font with a balanced and legible design. It is one of the most popular fonts on the web and can be used for any purpose.

Open Sans
Open Sans

– Raleway: A stylish and elegant font with a thin and graceful appearance. It has the unique feature of having a single-story “a” and “g” in all weights except the heaviest.


– Lato: A sleek and sophisticated font with a warm and friendly feel. It has a semi-rounded structure and a harmonious contrast.


Script Fonts

Script fonts, which emulate handwriting or calligraphy, are commonly utilized for invitations, logos, signatures, and various creative projects. They are free commercial fonts that can evoke personality, emotion, and elegance.

Some of the free script fonts we like are

– Pacifico: A fun and playful font with a retro and surf vibe. It has a smooth and flowing style that is perfect for logos, posters, and headlines.


– Great Vibes: A classy and romantic font with a modern and elegant touch. It has a beautiful and smooth script that is ideal for weddings, invitations, and quotes.

Great Vibes
Great Vibes

– Kaushan Script: A lively and dynamic font with a natural and casual feel. It has a rough and irregular script that is suitable for logos, labels, and badges.

Kaushan Script
Kaushan Script

– Dancing Script: A sweet and charming font with a feminine and delicate touch. It has a soft and graceful script that is great for greeting cards, thank-you notes, and signatures.

Dancing Script
Dancing Script

– Sacramento: A chic and stylish font with a vintage and art deco vibe. It has a thin and elegant script that is perfect for fashion, magazines, and headlines.


Display Fonts

Display fonts are fonts that are designed to catch attention and make a statement. They are often used for logos, banners, posters, and other eye-catching projects. Display fonts can convey a sense of creativity, uniqueness, and fun.

Some of the free display fonts we like are

– Bebas Neue: A bold and modern font with a simple and elegant design. It has a condensed and uppercase style that is ideal for headlines, logos, and posters.

Bebas Neue
Bebas Neue

– Oswald: A sleek and stylish font with a vintage and industrial feel. It has a condensed and uppercase style inspired by classic sans serif fonts.


– Abril Fatface: A stunning and dramatic font with a high contrast and curved design. It has a serif and uppercase style that is influenced by the French and British typography of the 19th century.

Abril Fatface
Abril Fatface

– Lobster: A fun and quirky font with a hand-drawn and friendly feel. It has a script and lowercase style that is full of ligatures and alternates.


– Fredoka One: A cute and cheerful font with a round and bubbly design. It has a sans-serif and uppercase style that is great for children, cartoons, and games.

Fredoka One
Fredoka One


We hope you enjoyed our list of 20 free commercial fonts for your next design project. These free commercial fonts are all free for personal and commercial use, but make sure to check the license terms before using them.

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